UNHCR Refugee-led Fund’s Application Guidelines, Eligibility, and Selection Process

Applications are currently being received from refugee-led organizations around the world by the UNHCR Refugee-led Innovation Fund. The goal of this fund is to build capacity for people who have been displaced or stateless by recognizing their potential as innovators and transformative actors within their communities.

The UNHCR refugee-led Fund’s core philosophy is premised on empowering refugees and stateless persons through placing them at the center stage in decision-making processes that impact on their lives. By so doing, it recognizes that each person has a unique view of the community’s most pressing issues; hence, it will be able to concentrate its limited resources on those areas with immediate attention.

By providing financial aid, mentorship programs, and specialized skillset development programs for these group of people, they seek to equip refugee led organizations with relevant tools necessary for envisioning and implementing effective interventions. This comprehensive approach is aimed at creating lasting positive change within communities affected by displacement.

One of the major objectives of the fund is to overcome obstacles faced by refugee-led organizations in accessing direct flexible funding. The fund seeks to boost their access to vital resources, know-how and information that will help them increase their impact in society through direct support and linking them with networks that already exist for entrepreneurs and innovators.

The Refugee-led Innovation Fund is a new way of designing programs that puts grassroots initiatives front and centre, led by people who have been forced from their homes. This money solves complicated problems affecting displaced persons globally by directly investing in the ideas they formulate as well as efforts undertaken.

The Advantages of the UNHCR Refugee-led Fund’s

The UNHCR Refugee-led Innovation Fund stands out as a beacon of support and opportunity for refugee-led organizations striving to make a tangible difference within their communities. Selected organizations that become part of this transformative initiative can expect a wide array of benefits that empower them to realize their visions…. Below are some of the benefits.

Financial Support: One of the fund’s key advantages is the financial support it offers. Organizations can apply for funding of up to $45,000 USD, allowing them to test and implement creative ideas that emphasize community needs. This financing is not limited to any one subject area or technology, allowing for greater flexibility and creativity in project creation

Program and Project Management Assistance: Grantees receive significant help with program and project management. UNHCR and experienced professionals provide this assistance to help organizations improve their capacity to effectively create, administer, and manage initiatives. It ensures that projects are not just innovative, but also manageable and sustainable.

Technical Expertise and Coaching: The fund provides specialized technical assistance, expertise, and coaching in addition to financial support. Grantees can get needs-based guidance from experts in a range of areas, such as innovative methodology, technology, and legal issues. These guidelines assist businesses in efficiently navigating complicated issues and utilizing their strengths. 

peer-to-Peer Networking: An integral part of the fund’s strategy is cooperation and knowledge exchange. It is encouraged for supported groups to interact, exchange stories, and gain knowledge from each other’s achievements and setbacks. Peer-to-peer networking creates a feeling of belonging and teamwork, opening doors for future collaborations and group effects. 

Extra Support Depending on Project Needs: The fund provides extra support based on project needs because it understands that every project is different. This could involve developing organizational capacity, helping to ensure the sustainability and scalability of projects, providing focused training on pertinent subjects, offering guidance on commercial models, and offering support in communications and media initiatives. Having this kind of all-encompassing support guarantees that organizations have the tools and direction they require at every turn. 

Learning and Impact Measurement: The fund gives learning and impact evaluation a lot of attention. Grantees get assistance in tracking results, evaluating effects, and gaining insightful information to promote ongoing development and advancement. In an effort to promote a culture of ongoing learning and adaptation, they are encouraged to record their experiences, share their insights, and have thoughtful conversations and reflections with their communities.

Requirements for the UNHCR Refugee-led Innovation Fund

Leadership by Displaced People: The fund provides funding to groups headed by people who have personally experienced being uprooted by force, such as stateless persons, refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced people (IDPs), and returnees. It is imperative that these leaders receive recognition from their communities for their noteworthy past achievements and initiatives. 

Team-Based Application: Candidates must submit their applications in groups, usually as a division of an already-existing organization. This cooperative method guarantees that a range of viewpoints and specialties are included in the creation and application of creative solutions. 

Organizations that are Registered and Unregistered: Applications from both types of organizations are accepted by the fund. Organizations must, nevertheless, be well-known in the community for the significant work and achievements they have made.

Special Attention is Paid to Underrepresented Groups: The fund supports and encourages applications from organizations led by members of underrepresented groups, including women, people with disabilities, Indigenous populations, LGBTIQ+ individuals, and other marginalized communities.

How to Apply

In case your corporate satisfies the conditions and wants to see its effects count in a significant way, you may go for United Nations Human Rights platform on enketo.unhcr.org. As such, the application process is inclusive and helpful providing this support which guides organizations through each step with customized help and knowledge.

The UNHCR Refugee-led Innovation Fund is continuously making positive strides by promoting leadership, diversity, and collaboration to boost empowerment of forced communities for sustainable solution that would tackle their complex problems.

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